Thursday, January 22, 2015

Returning to Python

My programming career started as a teenager in high school. Some of the first computer languages I learned were Turing and C, but that was only to satisfy the requirements in some of my courses. When I decided to pursue a programming career, I chose Python to harden my Computer Science concepts. I used it for about a year, completing assignments that I found online from other universities, and starting my own projects such as a web scraper and an email auto-responder. It has been a few years since I have really gotten back into using Python, and I'm finding it slightly difficult to avoid my C++ syntax.


After mastering high school Calculus and experiencing the torture of Engineering Calculus AB at the University of Toronto, I have yet to take full advantage of my knowledge in Math, and my skills are getting a bit rusty.

In order to calculate the velocity using 2 points on a map, we need to find the displacement between the points and the timestamp given for each sample. I will leave the velocity in its X and Y components for simplicity and later calculations.

Map Coordinates

I would like to store map coordinates in time in seconds only, but online I could only find methods for converting between Latitude Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS).

However, according to the University of Nebraska Lincoln, I can easily multiply latitude and longitude by 3600 to get position in seconds.

1° = 60’ = 3600”

Total Seconds = 60(60degrees + minutes) + seconds
Total Seconds = 3600latitude
Total Seconds = 3600longitude

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

CDOT Winter 2015 Initiation

Welcome Back

It has been quite a while since my last blog post, but I promise to submit entries more frequently from now on.

It is the start of a new semester here at Seneca, and I am continuing my 6th semester of the Computer Programming and Analysis program, and my 5th term as a part-time research assistant (RA) at the Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT).

This season is quite exciting for some of us as we are springing into many diverse projects with new RAs on-board.


My team is currently working on implementing a Python asynchronous networking server and developing an Android app for BRAKERS Early Warning Systems INC.

Python Networking Server

Neil and I have been researching and benchmarking different web frameworks to be used on the networking server for the Android app. We are considering Tornado, which is a fork of the famous Twisted framework. Tornado is a Python web server as well as an asynchronous networking library, which will allow us to work on the backend.

Initial Android Application

My other group members are developing an Android application to be ready for real-world testing in February.

Weekly Demos and Presentations

Today we will begin our weekly demos and presentations, where individuals or groups within CDOT will briefly demonstrate what they have been working on over the past week or so. Since this is our 2nd week after the holidays, I will be giving a recap of our project and what our team has been working on thus far.